Yes, order does matter.  You're right, putting, say, lowercase in front
of WordDelimiter... will mess up the operations of WDFF.

The admin/analysis page is *extremely* useful for understanding what
happens in the analysis of input. Make sure to check the "verbose"


On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 5:10 PM, Robert Petersen <> wrote:
> So if there is a hit in the synonym filter factory, do I need to put the
> various case changes for a term so that the following
> WordDelimiterFilter analyzer can do its 'split on case changes' work?
> Here we see SynonymFilterFactory makes all terms lowercase because this
> is what is in my synonmyms.txt file and I have ignoreCase=true:
> "macafee, mcafee"
> Index Analyzer
> org.apache.solr.analysis.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory {}
> term position   1
> term text       McAfee
> term type       word
> source start,end        0,6
> payload
> org.apache.solr.analysis.SynonymFilterFactory
> {synonyms=index_synonyms.txt, expand=true, ignoreCase=true}
> term position   1
> term text       macafee
> mcafee
> term type       word
> word
> source start,end        0,6
> 0,6
> payload

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