Hi folks. What you're supposed to do is run:

mvn -N -Pbootstrap install 

as the very first one-time only step.  It copies several custom jar files into 
your local repository. From then on you can build like normally with maven.

~ David Smiley
Author: http://www.packtpub.com/solr-1-4-enterprise-search-server/

On May 4, 2011, at 2:36 PM, Gabriele Kahlout wrote:

> but it doesn't build.
> Now, I've checked out solr4 from the trunk and tried to build the maven
> project there, but it fails downloading berkleydb:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Total time: 1:07.367s
> Finished at: Wed May 04 20:33:29 CEST 2011
> Final Memory: 24M/81M
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Failed to execute goal on project lucene-bdb: Could not resolve dependencies
> for project org.apache.lucene:lucene-bdb:jar:4.0-SNAPSHOT: Failure to find
> com.sleepycat:berkeleydb:jar:4.7.25 in
> http://download.carrot2.org/maven2/was cached in the local repository,
> resolution will not be reattempted until
> the update interval of carrot2.org has elapsed or updates are forced ->
> [Help 1]
> I looked up to get the jar on my own but I didn't find a 4.7.25 version, the
> latest on oracle website (java edition) is 4.1. Where can i download this
> maven dependency from?
> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:26 PM, Gabriele Kahlout
> <gabri...@mysimpatico.com>wrote:
>> It worked after checking out the dev-tools folder. Thank you!
>> On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:20 PM, lboutros <boutr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> <property name="version" value="3.1-SNAPSHOT"/>
>>> <target name="get-maven-poms"
>>>         description="Copy Maven POMs from dev-tools/maven/ to their
>>> target
>>> locations">
>>>   <copy todir="." overwrite="true">
>>>     <fileset dir="${basedir}/dev-tools/maven"/>
>>>     <filterset begintoken="@" endtoken="@">
>>>       <filter token="version" value="${version}"/>
>>>     </filterset>
>>>     <globmapper from="*.template" to="*"/>
>>>   </copy>
>>> </target>
>> --
>> Regards,
>> K. Gabriele
>> --- unchanged since 20/9/10 ---
>> P.S. If the subject contains "[LON]" or the addressee acknowledges the
>> receipt within 48 hours then I don't resend the email.
>> subject(this) ∈ L(LON*) ∨ ∃x. (x ∈ MyInbox ∧ Acknowledges(x, this) ∧
>> time(x) < Now + 48h) ⇒ ¬resend(I, this).
>> If an email is sent by a sender that is not a trusted contact or the email
>> does not contain a valid code then the email is not received. A valid code
>> starts with a hyphen and ends with "X".
>> ∀x. x ∈ MyInbox ⇒ from(x) ∈ MySafeSenderList ∨ (∃y. y ∈ subject(x) ∧ y ∈
>> L(-[a-z]+[0-9]X)).
> -- 
> Regards,
> K. Gabriele
> --- unchanged since 20/9/10 ---
> P.S. If the subject contains "[LON]" or the addressee acknowledges the
> receipt within 48 hours then I don't resend the email.
> subject(this) ∈ L(LON*) ∨ ∃x. (x ∈ MyInbox ∧ Acknowledges(x, this) ∧ time(x)
> < Now + 48h) ⇒ ¬resend(I, this).
> If an email is sent by a sender that is not a trusted contact or the email
> does not contain a valid code then the email is not received. A valid code
> starts with a hyphen and ends with "X".
> ∀x. x ∈ MyInbox ⇒ from(x) ∈ MySafeSenderList ∨ (∃y. y ∈ subject(x) ∧ y ∈
> L(-[a-z]+[0-9]X)).

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