: $ xmlstarlet sel -t -c "/config/queryResponseWriter" conf/solrconfig.xml
: <queryResponseWriter name="xml" class="org.apache.solr.request.*
: XMLResponseWriter*" default="true"/>
: Now I comment the line in Solrconfix.xml, and there's no more writer.
: $ xmlstarlet sel -t -c "/config/queryResponseWriter" conf/solrconfig.xml
: I make a query, and the XMLResponseWriter is still in charge.
: *$ curl -L http://localhost:8080/solr/select?q=apache*
: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Your example request is not specifying a "wt" param.

in addition to the response writers declared in your solrconfig.xml, there 
are response writers that exist implicitly unless you define your own 
instances that override those names (xml, json, python, etc...)

the real question is: what writer do you *want* to have used when no wt is 

whatever the answer is: declare n instance of that writer with 
default="true" in your solrconfig.xml


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