I've opened https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-2503 .


(11/05/06 20:15), Koji Sekiguchi wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to use dynamicField in feature-field mapping of uima update
> processor. It doesn't seem to be acceptable currently. Is it a bad idea
> in terms of use of uima? If it is not so bad, I'd like to try a patch.
> Background:
> Because my uima annotator can generate many types of named entity from
> a text, I don't want to implement so many types, but one type "NamedEntity":
> <typeSystemDescription>
>    <types>
>      <typeDescription>
>        <name>com.rondhuit.uima.next.NamedEntity</name>
>        <description/>
>        <supertypeName>uima.tcas.Annotation</supertypeName>
>        <features>
>          <featureDescription>
>            <name>name</name>
>            <description/>
>            <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName>
>          </featureDescription>
>          <featureDescription>
>            <name>entity</name>
>            <description/>
>            <rangeTypeName>uima.cas.String</rangeTypeName>
>          </featureDescription>
>        </features>
>      </typeDescription>
>    </types>
> </typeSystemDescription>
> sample extracted named entities:
> name="PERSON", entity="Barack Obama"
> name="TITLE", entity="the President"
> Now, I'd like to map these named entities to Solr fields like this:
> PERSON_S:"Barack Obama"
> TITLE_S:"the President"
> Because the type of name (PERSON, TITLE, etc.) can be so many,
> I'd like to use dynamicField *_s. And where * is replaced by the name
> feature of NamedEntity.
> I think this is natural requirement from Solr view point, but I'm
> not sure my uima annotator implementation is correct or not. In other
> words, should I implement many types for each entity types?
> (e.g. PersonEntity, TitleEntity, ... instead of NamedEntity)
> Thank you!
> Koji

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