Great posts all. I will give these a look and come up with something based
on these recommendations. I'm sure as I begin implementing something, I will
have more questions arise.

On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Anthony Wlodarski <> wrote:

> The WIKI has a loose interpretation of how to set-up Jetty securely.
>  Please take a look at the article I wrote here:
>  Even if PHP is not your language that sits on top of Solr you can still use
> the first part of the tutorial.  If you are using Tomcat I would recommend
> looking here:
> Regards,
> -Anthony
> On 05/09/2011 05:28 PM, Jan Høydahl wrote:
>> Hi,
>> You can simply configure a firewall on your Solr server to only allow
>> access from your frontend server. Whether you use the built-in software
>> firewall of Linux/Windows/Whatever or use some other FW utility is a choice
>> you need to make. This is by design - you should never ever expose your
>> backend services, whether it's a search server or a database server, to the
>> public.
>> Read more about Solr security on the WIKI:
>> --
>> Jan Høydahl, search solution architect
>> Cominvent AS -
>> On 9. mai 2011, at 20.57, Brian Lamb wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>>> Is it possible to set up solr so that it will only execute dataimport
>>> commands if they come from localhost?
>>> Right now, my application and my solr installation are on different
>>> servers
>>> so any requests are formatted http://domain:8983 instead of
>>> http://localhost:8983. I am concerned that when I launch my application,
>>> there will be the potential for abuse. Is the best solution to have
>>> everything reside on the same server?
>>> What are some other solutions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Brian Lamb
> --
> Anthony Wlodarski
> Lead Software Engineer
> (
> Office: 646-285-0500 x217
> Fax: 646-285-0400

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