I did exactly the stuff that was told in the link. I have certain items with ids

In schema.xml:I have set a fieldtype with name = idRankFile and keyField = id 
Also, a field with name idRank and type idRankFile
In data directory, I made a text file external_idRankIn it, I set 3007WFP = 
10000.0where 3007WFP is the id of one of the items.
However, on running java -jar ./post.jar *.xml, it gave me the following error:
org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Only float (FloatField) is currently 
supported as external field type.  
As you can see, I have assigned a float value to the external field. Any ideas 
regarding the problem?

> Date: Wed, 11 May 2011 01:07:20 -0700
> From: iori...@yahoo.com
> Subject: RE: Boosting score of a document without deleting and adding another 
> document
> To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> > How exactly do I define these external keyfields?For
> > example, I have a document in monitor.xml, and I want to
> > define another field, lets say score1, to be used in
> > FunctionQueries.From what I got from the documentation, I
> > have to define a file called external_score1 in the index
> > directory. In that, I will write monitor = value, where
> > value is whatever value I want this field to have. Do I have
> > to edit this external file everytime I want to change the
> > score? Or is there a way using GET or CURL?
> > And after editing , should I execute post.jar everytime?I'm
> > not really sure where these files (data files - the .xml
> > files) will be stored. Right now I'm just using the example
> > directory in the apachesolr download.(Sorry if these
> > questions seem too noobish!)
> Sujit gave a link to a documentation in his last post in the following 
> thread.  http://search-lucene.com/m/a22kA1HKP6y1/

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