On 5/13/2011 11:09 AM, Darren Govoni wrote:
Can I ask if you do any faceted or MLT type searches? Do those even work
across shards?

We currently aren't using facets in production, but we've done some data mining with them. They work very well in distributed mode. We plan to start incorporating them into our system, which will require a fair amount of work by our application developers.

MLT is not supported in distributed mode yet. There is a feature request for it (SOLR-788) that includes a couple of patches against very old revisions of Solr 1.5-dev. I recently tried to get it applied to version 3.1, but was unsuccessful. The code has changed too much for me to figure out how to do it. I have some experience with programming, but not in Java, and I'm not familiar with Lucene/Solr code.

If this is important to you, you can try to fix the patch or vote for the Jira issue. I've done both.


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