
I'm a student of Computer Science Engineering, and I'm currently in the
midst of an internship. The project I've been given requires a two phase
search engine using solr that does the following :

a) at run-time, searches documents for particular rules or keywords, which
can help define which category these documents belong to. Based on this, the
documents are forwarded to the respective department which must tend to that

b) in the second phase, the client at any department must be capable of
providing the path/name of a specific document in the database, along with a
query string. the software must be capable of searching for multiple
instances of the given query string in the document, and moving from one to
the other, highlighting each instance with its particular context.

Based on tutorials i've read, I have come to understand that Solr's inbuilt
libraries allow you to scan multiple documents for a particular string, but
not multiple occurances of a string in the same document, though that
calculation does come into the scoring technique.

I would like to know a) if what I'm attempting to develop through my project
is possible, and b) which file must i refer to in order to fully understand
the searching process and alter it for a single document search using
plugins or whatever.

I currently have tomcat and solr 3.1.0 installed on my workstation, along
with the latest jdk and jre versions.

Yours Sincerely,
Vivek Kuruvilla

Vivek Kuruvilla
General Secretary,
The Illuminati Quizzing Society,
Model Engineering College, Kochi.
Ph : +919030591025
E-mail : kuruvilla.vi...@gmail.com

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