If I'm not wrong, solrj uses slf4j for logging. slf4j-api.jar provides the api, 
but is not capable by itself to do the actual logging.
For it to be able to log, it needs an actual implementation, usually a binding 
to some other logging library.
slf4j-jdk14 is the binding that uses the logging API in the JDK (since v 1.4) 
to do the actual logging.
Solrj needs slf4j-api and at one binding. You have to choose one and can 
exclude jars for other bindings.

The options are:
slf4j-log4j12 -> binding to log4j library version 1.2. Delegates logging to 
slf4j-jdk14 -> binding to JDK logging library (in JDK v 1.4 or greater). 
Delegates logging to the JDK.
slf4j-nop -> is a dummy implementation that silently discards all log messages
slf4j-simple -> is itself an implementation that logs messages to System.err 
(only messages of level INFO or higher).
slf4j-jcl -> binding for Jakarta Commons Logging library. Delegates logging to 

It's also documented a dependency to jcl-over-slf4j. This is quite the opposite 
of slf4j-jcl. While the latter implements slf4j api delegating logging to jcl, 
the former implements jcl api delegating logging to slf4j.
I don't really think that solrj is using this (not sure). I believe that solrj 
uses slf4j. Needing jcl-over-slf4j would mean that some code in solrj does not 
use slf4j api but jcl api and needs also an implementation for it. If you take 
a look to maven repositories, there is no such dependency for solrj, so I guess 
it's not really needed.

I hope I managed to explain it clearly.



El 26/05/2011, a las 16:36, antonio escribió:

> Reading the wiki, for use solrj i must use this lib:
> From /lib 
> •slf4j-jdk14-1.5.5.jar 
> But there isn't no one directory call lib, and no one jar called
> slf4j-jdk14-1.5.5.jar .
> Is it necessary? When i can get it?
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://lucene.472066.n3.nabble.com/solr-3-1-without-slf4j-jdk14-1-5-5-jar-tp2988950p2988950.html
> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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