Can we see the results of attaching &debugQuery=on to the query? That
often points out the issue.

I'd expect this form to work:
[2006-12-22T00:00:00Z TO 2006-12-22T23:59:59Z]


2011/5/27 Ellery Leung <>:
> Thank you Mike.
> So I understand that now.  But what about the other items that have values
> on both size?  They don't work at all.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike Sokolov []
> Sent: 2011年5月27日 10:23 下午
> To:
> Cc: alucard001
> Subject: Re: solr Invalid Date in Date Math String/Invalid Date String
> The "*" endpoint for range terms wasn't implemented yet in 1.4.1  As a
> workaround, we use very large and very small values.
> -Mike
> On 05/27/2011 12:55 AM, alucard001 wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I am using SOLR 1.4.1 (according to solr info), but no matter what date
>> field I use (date or tdate) defined in default schema.xml, I cannot do a
>> search in solr-admin analysis.jsp:
>> fieldtype: date(or tdate)
>> fieldvalue(index): 2006-12-22T13:52:13Z (I type it in manually, no
> trailing
>> space)
>> fieldvalue(query):
>> The only success case:
>> 2006-12-22T13:52:13Z
>> All search below are failed:
>> * TO NOW
>> [* TO NOW]
>> 2006-12-22T00:00:00Z TO 2006-12-22T23:59:59Z
>> 2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00Z TO 2006\-12\-22T23\:59\:59Z
>> [2006-12-22T00:00:00Z TO 2006-12-22T23:59:59Z]
>> [2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00Z TO 2006\-12\-22T23\:59\:59Z]
>> 2006-12-22T00:00:00.000Z TO 2006-12-22T23:59:59.999Z
>> 2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00\.000Z TO 2006\-12\-22T23\:59\:59\.999Z
>> [2006-12-22T00:00:00.000Z TO 2006-12-22T23:59:59.999Z]
>> [2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00\.000Z TO 2006\-12\-22T23\:59\:59\.999Z]
>> 2006-12-22T00:00:00Z TO *
>> 2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00Z TO *
>> [2006-12-22T00:00:00Z TO *]
>> [2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00Z TO *]
>> 2006-12-22T00:00:00.000Z TO *
>> 2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00\.000Z TO *
>> [2006-12-22T00:00:00.000Z TO *]
>> [2006\-12\-22T00\:00\:00\.000Z TO *]
>> (vice versa)
>> I get either:
>> Invalid Date in Date Math String or
>> Invalid Date String
>> error
>> What's wrong with it?  Can anyone please help me on that?
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
> alid-Date-String-tp2991763p2991763.html
>> Sent from the Solr - User mailing list archive at

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