Yeah, ignore the 'multiple cores' you are seeing in the docs there, that's about something else unrelated to CPU's, as you discovered, has nothing to do with what you're asking about, put it out of your mind.

I kind of think you should get multi-CPU use 'for free' as a Java app too. It does for me, heavy Solr usage, I look at my stats, multiple CPU cores are being excersized. (Of course, this is never going to be perfectly efficient, you aren't going to get double performance by doubling the CPUs in one box, there are various bottlenecks, as we all know).

There are also some Java GC tuning you want to do with multiple cores, the default JVM settings aren't usually appropriate. (You want to background thread your GC, I forget the magic JVM invocations). But that's probably not related to your issue if you don't even see more than one CPU being exersized at all, weird.

On 5/31/2011 1:44 PM, Jack Repenning wrote:
Is there a way to allow Solr to use multiple CPUs of a single, multi-core box, 
to increase scale (number of documents, number of searches) of the searchbase?

The CoreAdmin wiki page talks about "Multiple Cores" as essentially independent 
document bases with independent indexes, but with some unification of administration at 
the grosser levels. That's not quite what I'm looking for, though. I want a single URL 
for add and search access, and a single logical searchbase, but I want to be able to use 
more of the resources of the physical box where the searchbase runs.

I guess I thought I would get this for free, it being Java and all, but I don't seem to: 
even with hundreds of clients adding and searching, I only seem to use one hardware core, 
and a bit of a second (which I interpret to mean "one Java thread for Solr, one Java 
thread for Java I/O").

Jack Repenning
Codesion Business Unit
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600
Brisbane, California 94005
office: +1 650.228.2562

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