On May 31, 2011, at 2:02 PM, Markus Jelsma wrote:

> the cumulative hit 
> ratio of the query result cache, it's almost never higher than 50%.
> What are your stats? How do you deal with it?

warmupTime : 0 
cumulative_lookups : 394867 
cumulative_hits : 394780 
cumulative_hitratio : 0.99 
cumulative_inserts : 87 
cumulative_evictions : 0 

Of course, that's shortly after I ran a query-intensive, not very creative load 
test (thousands of identical queries of a not very changeable data set). As a 
matter of fact, the numbers say I had exactly one miss after each insert, and 
everything else was a cache hit. Which makes perfect sense, for my (really 
dumb) test case.

> In some cases i have to disable it because of the high warming penalty i get 
> in a frequently changing index. This penalty is worse than the very little 
> performance gain i get. Different users accidentally using the same query or 
> a 
> single user that's actually browsing the result set only happens very 
> occasionally. And if i wanted the hit ratio to climb i'd have to increase the 
> cache size and warming size to absurd values, only then i might just reach 
> about 60% hit ratio.

If you have humans randomizing the query stream, I'm sure you're right. If 
you're convinced your queries are unrelated and variable, why would you expect 
a query cache to help at all?

On the other hand, I actually plan to use my Solr base to drive a UI, where the 
query parameters never change, and the data underneath changes mostly in bursts 
(generally near the end of the work day), so I suspect I'll only see misses 
after a document add, while lookups ten to cluster early in the day. So I 
actually am hoping for a high hit ratio.

Jack Repenning
Codesion Business Unit
CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Boulevard, Suite 600
Brisbane, California 94005
office: +1 650.228.2562
twitter: http://twitter.com/jrep

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