
I¹m having some troubles using Solr throught Coldfusion,  the problem right
now is that when I search for a term in a Custom field, the results
sometimes have the value that I sent to the custom field and not to the
field that contains the text, this is the cfsearch sintax that I¹m using:

<cfsearch collection="agenda,bitacoras"
name="result" status="meta" startrow="#url.start#" maxrows="#max#"
contextpassages="5" contexthighlightbegin="____B____"
contexthighlightend="____BE____" suggestions="always">

Every custom fields gets the value by a combo box or drop box with a list of
option, the thing is that when the users sends a search for CUSTOM1,
sometimes the results include the same searched value un CONTENTS...

Do anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

I¹ll appreciate all the help I can get.


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