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> Hi,
> I'm trying to use bf parameter in solr queries but I'm having some problems.

> The context is: I have some topics and a integer weight of popularity
> (number of users that follow the topic). I'd like to boost the documents
> according to this weight field, and it changes (users may start following or
> unfollowing that topic). I through the best way to do that is adding a bf
> parameter to the query.

> First of all I was trying to include it in a query processed by a default
> SearchHandler. I debugged the results and the scores didn't change. So I
> tried to change the defType of the SearchHandler to dismax (I didn't add any
> other field in solrconfig), and queries didn't work anymore.

> What is the best way to achieve what I want? Do I really need to use a
> dismax SearchHander (I read about it, and I don't want to search in multple
> fields - I want to search in one field and boost in another one)?

> Thanks in advance

> Alex Grilo

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