: Seem to have a solution but I am still trying to figure out how/why it works. 
: Addition of "defType=edismax" in the boost query seem to honor "MM" and
: correct boosting based on external file source. 

You didn't bost enough details in your original question to be 100% 
certain (would have needed to see the *full* solr url, including path, and 
your requestHandler declaration from solrconfig.xml to be sure) but i 
suspect the problem you were having is that you weren't actually using 
dismax (or edismax) at all until you added the explicit defType you 

: The new query syntax
: q={!boost b=dishRating v=$qq defType=edismax}&qq=hot chicken wings 

compare the "parsedquery_toString" in the debug output of your previous 
message with the debug output you get now and i think you'll see a clear 
indication of when a DisjunctionMaxQuery is used (and what the "mm" is set 


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