Hi - A simple yes or no question, I think.

I want to retrieve highlighting result from a QueryResponse. I know to use the 

Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> highlighting = resp.getHighlighting();

Most of the examples I've seen use the document uid  to extract the results 
like so:

String key = resultDec.getFieldValue(UID_FIELD);
Map<String, List<String>> map = highlighting.get(key);

I think this is the right way to go, however I did see one code example that 
did things a bit differently: They defined a field to query and then used that 
field as the id field, like so:


... peform query ...

String id = (String) resultDoc.getFieldValue("query");

Map<String,List<String>> highlightSnippets = 

Our documents have no unique field right now. I can create one rather easily. 
However, because of the above example,  I've been asked to confirm that the map 
returned by highlighting requires/uses the unique key field defined in the 

So, yes or no: Does the highlighting  map require a unique key field? ("yes" 
could mean "well there are obscure ways to avoid it, but using the unique key 
is easier/better/more common").



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