> I am running two solrShards. I have
> indexed 100 million docs in each shard (
> each are 50 GB and only 'id' is stored).
> My search have became very slow. Its taking around 2-3
> seconds.
> below is my query :
> http://solrHost1:8080/solr/select?shards=solrHost1:8080/solr,solrHost2:8080/solr&q=
> QUERY&fq=FilterQuery&fl=id&start=0&rows=100&indent=on&sort=time
> desc
> QUERY and FilterQuery is below :
> QUERY = Online Shopping AND ( Amex OR Am ex OR American
> express OR
> americanexpress )
> FilterQuery = time:[1308659371 TO 1308745771] AND
> category:news AND
> lang:English
> How to boost the query perfomance.
> default search filed is title( text).

If fieldType of time is not trie-based, you can change it to tdate, tint etc. 
For range queries.

If you don't update your index frequently, you can use separate filter queries 
(fq) for your clauses. To benefit from caching. 


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