: And I click on B, does it make sense for the user to display
: B
: C
: E
: after the selection ? Just because items in B are C and E items as well?
: As A user I chose B because I'm interested in B items. I do not care if they
: are also C and E items.
: Technically this is correct, but functional wise, the user doesn't care
: because it is not what they searched for.

if that's how you want your UI to behavior, then it should be trivial to 
say "once the user clicks on a constraint in the $fieldName field, stop 
displaying facets for $fieldName" -- ie: if you add 
fq=$fieldName:fieldValue to your URL, then don't add 
facet.field=$fieldName to that same URL.

If you want the same behavior anytime the users query inadvertantly 
*happens* to be a query that only matches one of many values in a 
mutifaceted field (ie: the user searches for "brown hair" and all brown 
haired docors just happen to be cardiologiests) then you can still deal 
with this in your UI code by implementing logic such as: 

  * check the numFound for the main query
  * for each facet:
    * for each constraint:
      * if the constraint count is the same as numFound, skip this facet


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