OK, I tried a quick test of 1.4.1 vs 3x on optimized indexes
(unoptimized had different numbers of segments so I didn't try that).
3x (as of today) was 28% faster at a large filter query (300 terms in
one  big disjunction, with each term matching ~1000 docs).


On Thu, Jun 30, 2011 at 3:30 PM, Shawn Heisey <s...@elyograg.org> wrote:
> On 6/29/2011 10:16 PM, Shawn Heisey wrote:
>> I was thinking perhaps I might actually decrease the termIndexInterval
>> value below the default of 128.  I know from reading the Hathi Trust blog
>> that memory usage for the tii file is much more than the size of the file
>> would indicate, but if I increase it from 13MB to 26MB, it probably would
>> still be OK.
> Decreasing the termIndexInterval to 64 almost doubled the tii file size, as
> expected.  It made the filterCache warming much faster, but made the
> queryResultCache warming very very slow.  Regular queries also seem like
> they're slower.
> I am trying again with 256.  I may go back to the default before I'm done.
>  I'm guessing that a lot of trial and error was put into choosing the
> default value.
> It's been fun having a newer index available on my backup servers.  I've
> been able to do a lot of trials, learned a lot of things that don't work and
> a few that do.  I might do some experiments with trunk once I've moved off
> 1.4.1.
> Thanks,
> Shawn

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