Hi all,
       There were several places I could find a discussion on this but I
failed to find the suited one for me.

I'd like to be clear on my requirements, so that you may suggest me the
better solution.

-> A project deals with tons of database tables (with *millions *of records)
out of which some are to be indexed which should be searchable of-course. It
uses Hibernate for MySQL transactions.

 As per my knowledge, there could be two solutions to maintain sync between
index and database effectively.

--> There'd be a *huge number of transactions (DMLs) on the DB*, so I'm
wondering which one of the following will be able to handle it

 1) Configure *Solr *server, query it to search / send events to update.
This might be better than handling Lucene solely which provides index
read/write and load balancing. The problem here could be to implement &
maintain sync between index and DB with no lag as the updations (DMLs on DB)
are very frequent. Too many events to be sent!

 2) Using *Hibernate Search*. I'm just wondering about its
*performance*considering high volume of transactions on DB every

Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.

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