I need to take a new approach on accessing my Solr index.  It's indexed where 
each document is a biological node (drug, gene etc.). Each has multi-valued 
fields for disease and species and other things. To keep the question as simple 
as possible let's just worry about disease.

I'm faceting on the  disease field.  My original plan is to present node search 
results, returning (thus stored) and faceting (indexed) on disease and other 
fields. That all works great, but now the requirement is to be able to 
determine which nodes have disease x, y, z...  That is, in a graphical viewer, 
we want to allow the user to click on, say, "diabetes", and highlight the set 
of nodes pertaining to a given disease.  The viewer requires information like:

        diabetes -> nodeId1, nodeId2, nodeId3
        neoplasia -> nodeId1, nodeId123
        pancreatic cancer -> NodeId3, nodeId5

Where nodeIdx is just the document ID.

I can see how I could get all the of diseases for all nodes in the set, and go 
through the SolrDocuments and compile the disease to node mappings myself.  Or, 
I could query Solr and specify the diseases for which to return nodes. Perhaps 
that would be a single query, or one per disease?

But, faceting on disease gives me the document count for each disease type. Is 
there a way I can use the faceting functionality and get the document IDs 
rather than just a count?  Solr must know the IDs are some point in calculating 
the facet count.


Jeff Schmidt
535 Consulting
(650) 423-1068

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