: We have set locktype to simple in solrconfig.xml using:
: <lockType>simple</lockType>. However on the page
: localhost:8983/solr/admin/cores shows:
: <str name="directory">
: lockFactory=*org.apache.lucene.store.NativeFSLockFactory*@3415ddf5
: </str>
: I can see a write.lock file in the index directory. But shouldn't the page
: solr/admin/cores also be showing the the lockFactory to be
: org.apache.lucene.store.SimpleFSLockFactory.SimpleFSLockFactory

Good question.

I think what's happening here is that the CoreAdmin page (as well as the 
Stats page fo the Core) are displaying the Directory.toString() info for 
the Directory in use by the IndexReader.  Solr doesn't seem to be 
applying the <lockType/> setting to the directory used by the 

the <lockType/> setting exists for the IndexWriter (to manage the write 
lock) and i *think* the IndexReader's in use in solr are al read only, so 
i'm pretty sure this isn't a majorly serious bug -- but it definitely 
smells like a bug one way or another...



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