I am running a full import with a quite plain data-config (a root entity with three sub entities ) from a jdbc datasource.
This import is expected to add approximately 10 mio documents
What I now see from my logfiles is, that a newSearcher event is fired about every five seconds.
This causes a lot load on the machine.
While searching "*:*" via the admin interface it appears, that on every new commit about 1.000 docs are newly added. This the "batchSize" I configured in the datasource definition, but I don't think that this related.
in solrconfig I have

<updateHandler class="solr.DirectUpdateHandler2" enable="true">
           <maxDocs>100000</maxDocs>  <!-- maximum uncommited docs before 
autocommit triggered -->

What other parameters in solrconfig.xml or in my data-config may be related to this behaviour?
Any hint is appreciated.


mit freundlichem Gruß,

Frank Wesemann
Fotofinder GmbH         USt-IdNr. DE812854514
Software Entwicklung    Web: http://www.fotofinder.com/
Potsdamer Str. 96       Tel: +49 30 25 79 28 90
10785 Berlin            Fax: +49 30 25 79 28 999

Sitz: Berlin
Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg (HRB 73099)
Geschäftsführer: Ali Paczensky

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