
Thanks for the code, snippet, it was very useful, however, can you please
include a very small description of certain unknown variables such as
'groupedInfo', 'ResultItem', 'searcher', 'fields' and the method


On Sat, Jul 16, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Kurt Sultana <kurtanat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Thanks for the information. However, I still have one more
> > problem. I am
> > iterating over the values of the NamedList. I have 2
> > values, one
> > being 'responseHeader' and the other one being 'grouped'. I
> > would like to
> > access some information stored within the grouped section,
> > which has
> > data structured like so:
> >
> >
> grouped={attr_directory={matches=4,groups=[{groupValue=C:\Users\rvassallo\Desktop\Index,doclist={numFound=2,start=0,docs=[SolrDocument[{attr_meta=[Author,
> > kcook, Last-Modified, 2011-03-02T14:14:18Z...
> >
> > With the 'get("group")' method I am only able to access the
> > entire
> > '{attr_directory={matches=4,g...' section. Is there some
> > functionality which
> > allows me to get other data? Something like this for
> > instance:
> > 'get("group.matches")' or maybe
> > 'get(group.attr_directory.matches)' (which
> > will yield the value of 4), or do I need to process the
> > String that the
> > 'get("...")' returns to get what I need?
> >
> > Thanks :)
> I think accessing the relevant portion in a NamedList is troublesome. I
> suggest you to look at existing codes in solrJ. e.g. How facet info is
> extracted from NamedList.
> I am sending you the piece of code that I used to access grouped info.
> Hopefully It can give you some idea.
>  NamedList signature = (NamedList) groupedInfo.get("attr_directory");
>    if (signature == null) return new ArrayList(0);
>    matches.append(signature.get("matches"));
>    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
>    ArrayList<NamedList> groups = (ArrayList<NamedList>)
> signature.get("groups");
>    ArrayList<> resultItems = new ArrayList<>(groups.size());
>    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
>    for (NamedList res : groups) {
>      ResultItem resultItem = null;
>      String hash = null;
>      Integer found = null;
>      for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
>        String n = res.getName(i);
>        Object o = res.getVal(i);
>        if ("groupValue".equals(n)) {
>          hash = (String) o;
>        } else if ("doclist".equals(n)) {
>          DocList docList = (DocList) o;
>          found = docList.matches();
>          try {
>            final SolrDocumentList list =
> SolrPluginUtils.docListToSolrDocumentList(docList, searcher, fields, null);
>            builder.setLength(0);
>            if (list.size() > 0)
>              resultItem = solrDocumentToResultItem(list.get(0), debug);
>            for (final SolrDocument document : list)
>              builder.append(document.getFieldValue("id")).append(',');
>          } catch (final IOException e) {
>            LOG.error("Unexpected Error", e);
>          }
>        }
>      }
>      if (found != null && found > 1 && resultItem != null) {
>        resultItem.setHash(hash);
>        resultItem.setFound(found);
>        builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1);
>        resultItem.setId(builder.toString());
>      }
>      // debug
>      resultItems.add(resultItem);
>    }
>    return resultItems;

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