Hi all,  I found a bug that exists in the 3.1 and in trunk, but not in 1.4.1

When I try to sort by a column with a colon in it like
"scores:rails_f",  solr has cutoff the column name from the colon
forward so "scores:rails_f" becomes "scores"

To test, I inserted this doc:

In 1.4.1 I was able to insert this  doc:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><add><doc><field name="id">User
14914457</field><field name="type">User</field><field name="city_s">San
Francisco</field><field name="name_text">jtoy</field><field
name="login_text">jtoy</field><field name="description_text">life
hacker</field><field name="scores:rails_f">0.05</field></doc></add>

And then I can run the query:


On 1.4.1 the query runs fine and returns the expected results.

If I insert the same document into solr 3.1 or trunk and run the same query
I get the error:

Problem accessing /solr/select. Reason:

    undefined field scores

I can see in the lucene index that the data for scores:rails_f is in the
document. So solr/lucene is allowing me to store docs with fields that have
colons in it, but then I am not able to sort on it.

Can anyone else confirm this is a bug. Is this in lucene or solr? I believe
the issue resides in solr.

- sent from my mobile

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