Hi Is query time boosting possible in Solr?
Here is what I want to do: I want to boost the ranking of certain documents, which have their relevant field values, in a particular range (selected by user at query time)... when I do something like: http://localhost:8085/solr/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=scientific+temper&fq=field1:[10%20TO%2030]&start=0&rows=10 -I guess, it is just a filter over the normal results and not exactly a query. I tried giving this: http://localhost:8085/solr/select?indent=on&version=2.2&q=scientific+temper+field1:[10%20TO%2030]&start=0&rows=10 -This still worked and gave me different results. But, I did not quite understand what this second query meant. Does it mean: "Rank those documents with field1 value in 10-30 better than those without" ? S -- Sowmya V.B. ---------------------------------------------------- Losing optimism is blasphemy! http://vbsowmya.wordpress.com ----------------------------------------------------