Is it generally recognized that this terminology is confusing, or is it just 

I do understand what they do (at least well enough to use them), but I find it 
confusing that it's called "defType" as a main param, but "type" in a 
LocalParam, when to me they both seem to do the same thing -- which I think 
should probably be called 'queryParser' rather than 'type' or 'defType'.  
That's what they do, choose the query parser for the query they apply to, 
right?  (And if they did/do different things, 'defType' vs 'type' doesn't 
really provide much hint as to what!)

These are both the same, right, but with different param names depending on 
&q={!type=lucene}foo  # uri escaping not shown

(and then there's 'qt', often confused with defType/type by newbies, since they 
guess it stands for 'query type', but which should probably actually have been 
called 'requestHandler'/'rh' instead, since that's what it actually chooses, 
no?  It gets very confusing). 

If it's generally recognized it's confusing and perhaps a somewhat inconsistent 
mental model being implied, I wonder if there'd be any interest in renaming 
these to be more clear, leaving the old ones as aliases/synonyms for backwards 
compatibility (perhaps with a long deprecation period, or perhaps existing 
forever). I know it was very confusing to me to keep track of these parameters 
and what they did for quite a while, and still trips me up from time to time. 

From: [] on behalf of Yonik Seeley 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: defType argument weirdness

On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 1:25 PM, Naomi Dushay <> wrote:
> Regardless, I thought that     defType=dismax&q=*:*   is supposed to be
> equivalent to  q={!defType=dismax}*:*  and also equivalent to q={!dismax}*:*

Not quite - there is a very subtle distinction.

{!dismax}  is short for {!type=dismax}, the type of the actual query,
and this may not be overridden.

The defType local param is only the default type for sub-queries (as
opposed to the current query).
It's useful in conjunction with the "query"  or nested query qparser:


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