I always have a field in my databases called datelastmodified, so whenever I
update that record, i set it to getdate() - mssql func - and then get all
latest records order by that field.

2011/7/29 Mohammed Lateef Hussain <mohammedlateefh...@gmail.com>

> Hi
> Need some help in Solr incremental indexing approch.
> I have built my Solr index using SolrJ API and now want to update the index
> whenever any changes has been made in
> database. My requirement is not to use DB triggers to call any update
> events.
> I want to update my index on the fly whenever my application updates any
> record in database.
> Note: My indexing logic to get the required data from DB is some what
> complex and involves many tables.
> Please suggest me how can I proceed here.
> Thanks
> Lateef


*Alexei Martchenko* | *CEO* | Superdownloads
ale...@superdownloads.com.br | ale...@martchenko.com.br | (11)

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