Hello,Dear friends,
 I have got an problem in developing with solr.
 In My Application ,It must sends multiple query to solr server after the
page is loaded. Then I found a problem: some request will return
statusCode:0 and QTime:0, The solr has accepted the request, but It does not
return a result document.  If I send each request  one by one manually ,It
will return the result. But If I send the request frequently in a very
 short times, It will return nothing only statusCode:0 and QTime:0.
I think this may be a stratege for solr. but i can't find any documents or
discussions on the internet.
so i want you can help me.   edited on 2011-07-28

and now I have a new problem, I am developing on php, so I connect solr
through solrPhpClient( an opensource project on google code). I find the
speed of add many documents is very slow. when I add ten documents to an
solr index, It must takes more than 5 minutes(Because of the commit process
anybody can help me?

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