
>From: Vikram Kumar <vikrambku...@gmail.com>
>We have a multi-tenant Solr deployment with a core for each user.
>Due to the limitations we are facing with number of cores,
>lazy-loading (and associated warm-up times), we are researching about
>consolidating several users into one core with queries limited by
>user-id field.
>My question is about autosuggest.
>1. Are there ways we can limit the autosuggest to only documents with
>matching ids?

Not sure about Solr's Suggester, but yes this and more is doable with 
Sematext's Autocomplete: http://sematext.com/products/autocomplete/index.html

>2. What other SOLR operations like these which need further
>consideration when merging multiple indices and limiting by a field?

Spellchecking is the first thing that comes to mind.  Not sure what else...


>On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 4:02 PM, Erick Erickson <erickerick...@gmail.com> 
>> See below.
>> On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 7:26 PM, Joscha Feth <jos...@feth.com> wrote:
>>> Hello Erick,
>>> Thanks for your answer!
>>> But I question why you *require* many different indexes. [...] including
>>> > isolating one
>>> > users'
>>> > data from all others, [...]
>>> Yes, thats exactly what I am after - I need to make sure that indexes don't
>>> mix, as every user shall only be able to query his own data (index).
>> well, this can also be handled by simply appending the equivalent of
>> +user:theuser
>> to each query. This solution does have some "interesting" side effects
>> though.
>> In particular if you autosuggest based on combined documents, users will see
>> terms NOT in documents they own.
>>> And even using lots of cores can be made to work if you don't pre-warm
>>> > newly-opened
>>> > cores, assuming that the response time when using "cold searchers" is
>>> > adequate.
>>> >
>>> Could you explain that further or point me to some documentation? Are you
>>> talking about: http://wiki.apache.org/solr/CoreAdmin#UNLOAD? if yes, LOAD
>>> does not seem to be implemented, yet. Or has this something to do with
>>> http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCaching#autowarmCount only? About what
>>> time
>>> per X documents are we talking here for delay if auto warming is disabled?
>>> Is there more documentation about this setting?
>> It's the autoWarm parameter. When you open a core the first few queries that
>> run
>> on it will pay some penalty for filling caches etc. If your cores are small
>> enough,
>> then this penalty may not be noticeable to your users, in which case you can
>> just
>> not bother autowarming (see <firstSearcher> , <newSearcher>). You might also
>> be able to get away with having very small caches, it mostly depends on your
>> usage patterns. If your pattern as that a user signs on, makes one search
>> and
>> signs off, there may not be much good in having large caches. On the other
>> and,
>> if users sign on and search for hours continually, their experience may be
>> enhanced
>> by having significant caches. It all depends.
>> Hopt that helps
>> Erick
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Joscha
>- Vikram

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