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On 8/3/2011 2:24 AM, Bernd Fehling wrote:
To show that I compare apples and oranges here are my previous FAST Search setup:
- one master server (controlling, logging, search dispatcher)
- six index server (4.25 mio docs per server, 5 slices per index)
(searching and indexing at the same time, indexing once per week during the weekend)
- each server has 4GB RAM, all servers are physical on seperate machines
- RAM usage controlled by the processes
- total of 25.5 mio. docs (mainly metadata) from 1500 databases worldwide
- index size is about 67GB per indexer --> about 402GB total
- about 3 qps at peek times
- with average search time of 0.05 seconds at peek times

An average query time of 50 milliseconds isn't too bad. If the number from your Solr setup below (39.5) is the QTime, then Solr thinks it is performing better, but Solr's QTime does not include absolutely everything that hs to happen. Do you by chance have 95th and 99th percentile query times for either system?

And here is now my current Solr setup:
- one master server (indexing only)
- two slave server (search only) but only one is online, the second is fallback
- each server has 32GB RAM, all server are virtuell
(master on a seperate physical machine, both slaves together on a physical machine)
- RAM usage is currently 20GB to java heap
- total of 31 mio. docs (all metadata) from 2000 databases worldwide
- index size is 156GB total
- search handler statistic report 0.6 average requests per second
- average time per request 39.5 (is that seconds?)
- building the index from scratch takes about 20 hours

I can't tell whether you mean that each physical host has 32GB or each VM has 32GB. You want to be sure that you are not oversubscribing your memory. If you can get more memory in your machines, you really should. Do you know whether that 0.6 seconds is most of the delay that a user sees when making a search request, or are there other things going on that contribute more delay? In our webapp, the Solr request time is usually small compared with everything else the server and the user's browser are doing to render the results page. As much as I hate being the tall pole in the tent, I look forward to the day when the developers can change that balance.

The good thing is I have the ability to compare a commercial product and
enterprise system to open source.

I started with my simple Solr setup because of "kiss" (keep it simple and stupid). Actually it is doing excellent as single index on a single virtuell server. But the average time per request should be reduced now, thats why I started
this discussion.
While searches with smaller Solr index size (3 mio. docs) showed that it can
stand with FAST Search it now shows that its time to go with sharding.
I think we are already far behind the point of search performance crossover.

What I hope to get with sharding:
- reduce time for building the index
- reduce average time per request

You will probably achieve both of these things by sharding, especially if you have a lot of CPU cores available. Like mine, your query volume is very low, so the CPU cores are better utilized distributing the search.

What I fear with sharding:
- i currently have master/slave, do I then have e.g. 3 master and 3 slaves?
- the query changes because of sharding (is there a search distributor?)
- how to distribute the content the indexer with DIH on 3 server?
- anything else to think about while changing to sharding?

I think sharding is probably a good idea for you, as long as you don't lose redundancy. You can duplicate the FAST concept of a master server, in a Solr core with no index. The solrconfig.xml for the core needs to include the shards parameter. That core combined with those shards will make up one complete index chain, and you need to have at least two complete chains, running on separate physical hardware. A load balancer will be critical. I use two small VMs on separate hosts with heartbeat and haproxy for mine.


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