Hi Markus,

thanks for your answer.
I'm using Solr. 4.0 and jetty now and observe the behavior and my error logs
next week.
tomcat can be a reason, we will see, i'll report.

I'm indexing WITHOUT batches, one doc after another. But i would try out the
batch indexing as well as
retry indexing faulty docs.
if you indexing one batch, and one doc in batch is corrupt, what happens
with another 249docs(total 250/batch)? Are they indexed and
updated when you retry to indexing the batch, or fails the complete batch?


2011/8/11 Markus Jelsma <markus.jel...@openindex.io>

> Hi,
> We  see these errors too once on a while but there is real answer on the
> mailing list here except one user suspecting Tomcat is responsible
> (connection
> time outs).
> Another user proposed to limit the number of documents per batch but that,
> of
> course, increases the number of connections made. We do only 250 docs/batch
> to
> limit RAM usage on the client and start to see these errors very
> occasionally.
> There may be a coincidence.. or not.
> Anyway, it's really hard to reproduce if not impossible. It happens when
> connecting directly as well when connecting through a proxy.
> What you can do is simply retry the batch and it usually works out fine. At
> least you don't loose a batch in the process. We retry all failures at
> least a
> couple of times before giving up an indexing job.
> Cheers,
> > Hello folks,
> >
> > i use solr 1.4.1 and every 2 to 6 hours i have indexing errors in my log
> > files.
> >
> > on the client side:
> > 2011-08-04 12:01:18,966 ERROR [Worker-242] IndexServiceImpl - Indexing
> > failed with SolrServerException.
> > Details: org.apache.commons.httpclient.ProtocolException: Unbuffered
> entity
> > enclosing request can not be repeated.:
> > Stacktrace:
> >
> org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CommonsHttpSolrServer.request(CommonsHtt
> > pSolrServer.java:469) .
> > .
> > on the server side:
> > INFO: [] webapp=/solr path=/update params={wt=javabin&version=1} status=0
> > QTime=3
> > 04.08.2011 12:01:18 org.apache.solr.update.processor.LogUpdateProcessor
> > finish
> > INFO: {} 0 0
> > 04.08.2011 12:01:18 org.apache.solr.common.SolrException log
> > SCHWERWIEGEND: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: java.io.IOException:
> > Invalid chunk header
> > .
> > .
> > .
> > i`m indexing ONE document per call, 15-20 documents per second, 24/7.
> > what may be the problem?
> >
> > best regards
> > vadim

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