I quickly went through what you've got from your last 2 posts and do not see 
any problems.  You might want to double-check that your client is translating 
the constant variable you've got for "spellcheck.maxCollationTries" correctly 
in your query, or if you've got it in the request handler config that its 
spelled out right in there.

The other thing, obviously, is you'll only get 1 collation if there is only 1 
combination from the individual words it suggested that returns hits.  You may 
need to play with different test queries to find one that can generate more 
than 1 good collation.  Also if you set spellcheck.maxCollationTries down to 
zero it will return all the possibilities (up to the spellcheck.maxCollation 
value), even the nonsensical ones.  That might be helpful to do for testing.

Also, these params are in solr 3.x and higher.  So it won't work in 1.4 without 
the SOLR-2010 patch.

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Herman Kiefus [mailto:herm...@angieslist.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:55 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Solr spellcheck and multiple collations

Thanks James, here are the settings that only yield the one collation:

static int count = 10;
static bool onlyMorePopular = true;
static bool extendedResults = true;
static bool collate = true;
static int maxCollations = 10;
static int maxCollationTries = 100;
static int maxCollationEvaluations = 10000;
static bool collateExtendedResults = true;
static float accuracy = 0.7f;

-----Original Message-----
From: Dyer, James [mailto:james.d...@ingrambook.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 5:48 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: RE: Solr spellcheck and multiple collations


- Specify "spellcheck.maxCollations" with something higher than one to get more 
than 1 collation.  

- If you also want the spellchecker to test whether or not a particular 
collation will return hits, also specify "spellcheck.maxCollationTries"

- If you also want to know how many hits each collation will return, also 
specify "spellcheck.collateExtendedResults=true"

- See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SpellCheckComponent#spellcheck.maxCollations 
for more information

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Herman Kiefus [mailto:herm...@angieslist.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2011 4:31 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Solr spellcheck and multiple collations

After a bit of work, we have 'spellchecking' up and going and we are happy with 
the suggestions.  I have not; however, ever been able to generate more than one 
collation query.  Is there something simple that I have overlooked?

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