Many thanks Erick.

I think a good feature to add to Solr to address this is
to allow a query to return either the "document" as a result
or the matching (multivalued) fields of a document as individual results
(subject to paging too).
Because sometimes the field value (only) is the desired result list.

Since Solr already touches the index for the field match and paging,
all the logic is already there to return only the field results (and some
document metadata perhaps).

I will ponder a way to do this with a query handler maybe.

On Fri, 26 Aug 2011 09:09:06 -0400, Erick Erickson
<> wrote:
> OK, I think I have it.
> It's a problem, indeed. And no, there's no way I know of to
> make a doc fetch only bring back some range of values in
> a multivalued field.
> So you're stuck with either getting the whole book back
> and peeling out the pages (how do you know which
> sentences are on which page anyway?) or breaking
> your book up somehow, say on a chapter or page basis
> to reduce what's returned. You could possibly group
> the results by book if you broke it up..
> BTW, you can match within sentences by appropriate
> proximity searches combined with an incrementgap.
> Best
> Erick
> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 10:01 PM, Darren Govoni <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Erick,
>>   Sure thing.
>> I have a document schema where I put the sentences of that document in
>> multivalued field "sentences".
>> I search that field in a query but get back the document results,
>> naturally.
>> I then need to further find which exact sentences matched the query
>> each document result)
>> and then do my own paging since I am only returning pages of sentences
>> and
>> not the whole document.
>> (i.e. I don't want to page the document results).
>> Does this make sense? Or is there a better way Solr can accomodate
>> Much appreciated.
>> Darren
>> On 08/25/2011 07:24 PM, Erick Erickson wrote:
>>> Hmm, I don't quite understand what you want. An example
>>> or two would help.
>>> Best
>>> Erick
>>> On Thu, Aug 25, 2011 at 12:11 PM, Darren Govoni<>
>>>  wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>>  Is it possible to construct a query in Solr where the paged results
>>>> are
>>>> matching multivalued fields and not documents?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Darren

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