I have a number of chemical names containing commas which I'm mapping in 
index_synonyms.txt thusly:

2\,4-D-butotyl=>Aqua-Kleen,BRN 1996617,Bladex-B,Brush killer 64,Butoxy-D 
3,CCRIS 8562

According to the sample synonyms.txt, the comma above should be. i.e. 
a\,a=>b\,b.    The problem is that according to analysis.jsp the commas are not 
being escaped.  If I paste in 2,4-D-butotyl, then no mappings.  If I paste in 
2\,4-D-butotyl, the mappings are done.  This is verified by there being no 
mappings in the index.  I assume there would be if 2\,4-D-butotyl actually 
appeared in a document.

The filter I'm declaring in the index analyzer looks like this:

<filter class="solr.SynonymFilterFactory" synonyms="index_synonyms.txt"  
tokenizerFactory="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory" ignoreCase="true" 

Doesn't seem to matter which tokenizer I use.    This must be something simple 
that I'm not doing but am a bit stumped at the moment and would appreciate any 

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