
On 26 August 2011 16:23, Arcadius Ahouansou <arcad...@menelic.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> I have Solr running on Jetty and I also have a web client application
> running on another jetty instance on the same box.
> The question is: wouldn't it be better to run the client and solr on the
> very same jetty instance?

Don't have clear performance bench on this, but did not notice a lot of
differences during tests with Jetty.

> I came across http://wiki.apache.org/solr/Solrj#EmbeddedSolrServer as
> weel.
> The only drawback I can think of is, in case we would like to scale and
> have
> 1 web app against 2 or 3 solr, a code change will be needed.
> - Is there any other drawback in doing so?

We used embedded server for a long time and we moved to standalone server
recently since it should allow more flexibility and independance. No much
code changes.

> - more importantly, any performance or scalability issue?

Standalone server seems more efficient and eventually you can make it scale
independently of your client. But it really depends on your needs. For the
small applications (1M documents and few dozens users) we made last few
years, embedded server was fine.

> Thanks.
> Arcadius.


Gérard Dupont
Information Processing Control and Cognition (IPCC)
CASSIDIAN - an EADS company

Document & Learning team - LITIS Laboratory

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