Dear Gupta,

In my case, I am doing something similar to you.
I use tow core, one core I build category's tree, another core I use to
build the product's information include the leaf cat of products. So when
one search I get, I will facet the leaf cat, then get the category tree in
the category core via product's leafcat (or you can cache the category tree
in you memery).

Hope this can help u.

2011/9/5 Priti Gupta <>

> Hi,
> We are using solr in our ecommerce application.we are indexing on different
> attributes of products.
> We want to create category tree with the help of solr.
> There are following points about catgory and products to be considered,
> 1.One product can belong to more than one categories.
> 2.category is a hierarchical facet.
> 3.More than one categories can share same name.
> It would be a great help if someone can suggest a way to index and query
> data based on the above architecture.
> Thanks,
> Priti

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