: When I was using Lucene directly I used a custom implementation of query 
: filter to enforce entitlements of search results. Now, that I'm 
: switching my infrastructure from custom host to Solr, what is the best 
: way to configure Solr to use my custom query filter for every request?

It depends on how complex your custom Filter was.  

many people find that things that when using Solr, they can reimplement 
basic Filter logic using "fq" params and the built in QParsers provided by 

If you do need to implement something truely custom, writing it as your 
own QParser to trigger via an "fq" can be advantageous so it can cached 
and re-used by many queries.

If that doesn't cut it for you, some people implement their own 
SearchComponents to manipulate the Queries.

And as a last resort: you can always implement your own RequestHandler and 
directly use so SolrIndexSearcher to execute the queyr anyway you want -- 
but if you don't use the DocList/DocSet methods, other built in features 
like faceting won't be very easy to use.

If you provide some more details on how your existing Filter work,s people 
cna provide more advice on what would make the most sense.


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