You didn't tell us what your schema looks like, what fields with what types are involved.

But similar to how you'd do it in your database, you need to find 'documents' that have a start date before your date in question, and an end date after your date in question, to find the ones whose range includes your date in question.

Something like this:

q=start_date:[* TO '2010-01-05'] AND end_date:['2010-01-05' TO *]

Of course, you need to add on your restriction to just documents about 'John Smith', through another AND clause or an 'fq'.

But in general, if you've got a db with this info already, and this is all you need, why not just use the db? Multi-hieararchy data like this is going to give you trouble in Solr eventually, you've got to arrange the solr indexes/schema to answer your questions, and eventually you're going to have two questions which require mutually incompatible schema to answer.

An rdbms is a great general purpose question answering tool for structured data. lucene/Solr is a great indexing tool for text matching.

On 9/15/2011 2:55 PM, gary tam wrote:

I have a scenario that I am not sure how to write the query for.

Here is the scenario - have an employee record with multi value for project,
started date, end date.

looks something like

John Smith             web site bug fix       2010-01-01       2010-01-03
                              unit testing              2010-01-04
                              QA support             2010-01-07
                              implementation       2010-01-13

I want to find what project John Smith was working on 2010-01-05

Is this possible or I have to back to my database ?


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