Hello Everyone,

I'm quite curious about how does the following data get understood and
indexed by Solr?
"url": null,
"regularPrice": 3.99,
 "offers": [
      "url": "",
      "text": "On Sale",
      "id": "OS"

1) The field "id" is present as part of the main object and as part of
a nested offers object, so how does Solr make sense of it?
2) Is the data under offers expected to be stored as multi-value in
Solr? Or am I supposed to create offerURL, offerText and offerId
fields in schema.xml? Even if I do that how do I tell Solr what data
to match up where?

Please be kind, I know I'm not thinking about this in the right
manner, just gently set me straight about all this :)
- Pulkit

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