Hi all, I have find something curious probing Solr, and SolrJ, I don’t
know If this is normal, a reserved word, or a Bug could be. I can’t explain
it and I write here this question to get a reasonable explanation of this,
If it exists.

 I created an index and I inserted about ten documents. I defined a filed
named source, and I created many rows with the value “a” in this field, and
then I started to make queries, and then I took conscience that all the
queries that asked for the value “a” always returned zero rows, and this may
return 4 rows as result because I’ve inserted 4 rows with this value. I made
this query with SolrJ from Java, and then I did it with the solr Admin Web
interface example that comes with Solr, and I got the same results, zero
rows when I may got four rows for this result.

I’m a beginner in Solr, and I don’t know If this is a question of a
tokenizer or a query filter or a configuration that I’m using, and I may not

The query:


And I got this response:


<lst name="responseHeader">

<int name="status">0</int>

<int name="QTime">0</int>

<lst name="params">

<str name="indent">on</str>

<str name="start">0</str>

<str name="q">source:a</str>

<str name="rows">10</str>

<str name="version">2.2</str>



<result name="response" numFound="0" start="0"/>


If I make a query for the keyword "b", source:b, I got all the results that
I expected.

Thanks to all, and I expect that someone could explain me this especial
behaviour, and sorry for my ignorance.

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