Thanks a lot for your advice.

What really matters to me is that answers with NAME_ANALYZED=Tour Eiffel
appear first. Then, if "Tour Eiffel Tower By Helicopter" appears before or
after "Hotel la tour Eiffel" doesn't really matter.

Since I send fq=NAME_ANALYZED:tour eiffel, I am sure NAME_ANALYZED will at
least contain those two words. So I figured out that if I sort answers by
this field length, I'll get those called "Tour eiffel" first.

But I'll check the QParser anyway since it seems to be an interesting one.

Best regards,

2011/9/28 Chris Hostetter <>

> : 1) giving NAME_ANALYZED a type where omitNorms=false: I thought this
> would
> : give answers with shorter NAME_ANALYZED field a higher score. I've tested
> : that solution, but it's not working. I guess this is because there is no
> : score for fq parameter (all my answers have same score)
> both of those statements are correct.  omitNorms=false will cause length
> normalization to apply, so with the default similarity, shorter field
> values will generally score higher, but norms are very coarse, so it
> won't be very precise; and "fq" queries filter the results,
> but do not affect the score.
> : 2) sorting my answers by length desc, and I guess in this case I would
> need
> : to store the length of NAME_ANALYZED field to avoid having to compute it
> on
> : the fly. at this point, this is the only solution I can think of.
> that will also be a good way to sort on the length of the field, and will
> give you a lot of precise control.
> but sorting on length isn't what you asked about...
> : > and I have different answers like
> : >
> : > Restaurant la tour Eiffel
> : > Hotel la tour Eiffel
> : > Tour Eiffel
>        ...
> : > Is there a way to get answers with NAME_ANALYZED beginning with "tour
> : > Eiffel" first?
> If you want to score documents higher because they appear at the begining
> of the field value, that is a differnet problem then scoring documents
> higher because they are shorter -- ie: "Tour Eiffel Tower By Helicopter"
> is longer then "Hotel la tour Eiffel", which one do you want to come
> first?
> If you want documents to score higher if they appear "early" in the field
> value, you can either index a "marker" token at the begining of the field
> (ie: "S_T_A_R_T Tour Eiffel") and then do all queries on that field as
> phrase queries including that token (shorter matches score higher in
> phrase queries); or you can look into using the "surround" QParser that
> was recently commited to the trunk.  the surround parser has special
> syntax for generting "Span" Queries, which support a "SpanFirst" query
> that scores documents higher based on how close to the begining of a field
> value the match is.
> -Hoss

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