
Those numbers are probably OK.  Let us know if you have any actual problems 
with Solr 3.4.  Oh, and use the solr-user mailing list instead please.


Sematext :: :: Solr - Lucene - Nutch
Lucene ecosystem search ::

>From: Gastone Penzo <>
>Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:03 AM
>Subject: performace jetty (jetty.xml)
>i just change my solr installation from 1.4 to 3.4..
>i can notice that also jetty configuration file (jetty.xml) is changed.
>default threads number is higher, theadpool is higher
>and other default value are higher. is it normal??
>what number of these value do you seems are correct for me?
>i have a dedicated machine with 2 solr istances inside
>my machine has 8gb of ram and 8 cpu..
>i do like 200.000 - 250.000 calls to solr a day...
>someone can help me??
>- Theads number (min,max and low)
>- corepool size and maximum poolsize

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