
The bug you describe looks the same as SOLR-2726 
( which doesn't seem to be part 
of 3.4.  You might want to try applying the patch, or better yet, just use a 
fresh check-out on the 3.x branch as the current state (for un-released 3.5) 
isn't going to differ much from the released 3.4GA.

SpellCheckComponent doesn't support the fuzzy operator.  What it does is break 
your query up into raw terms and then offer suggestions based on String 
Distance calculations between any original terms not in the index and terms 
that are in the index.  Depending on which analyzers you're using for your 
spellcheck field, the ~ character may or may not be considered part of the term 
it was attached to.  If it is considered part of the term, then its presence 
will potentially alter the results.

Also if you're using the Collate feature and have 
"spellcheck.maxCollationTries" set greater than zero, then SpellCheckComponent 
will plug any suggestions that it comes up with back into your original query 
to see how many hits the new terms generate.  So an original query with "fuzzy" 
somewhere might get different collations than one without it.

James Dyer
E-Commerce Systems
Ingram Content Group
(615) 213-4311

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Swinson [] 
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 5:00 AM
Subject: Using spellcheck component with query ( q and spellcheck.q )

I am using solr 3.4.0 with spellcheck component.

When I try and search for pre built spelling dictionary for a given
mispelt word , it only works
if I specify BOTH the q and spellcheck.q parameters. If I miss out the q
parameter I get a NullPointerException
error. I believe I have seen reference to this before ( is this a bug ?
) and that it had been patched. However
I believe I have the most up to date release of solr.

The other thing I would like to clear up is , does the spellcheck
request handler handle the fuzzy operator ( ~ ) as I
have found I get different results when specifying the fuzzy operator as
opposed to when I don't.


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