Thanks for sharing your insights shawn

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 1:27 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:

> On 10/16/2011 12:01 PM, samarth s wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is it safe to assume that with a megeFactor of 10 the open file
>> descriptors
>> required by solr would be around (1+ 10) * 10 = 110
>> ref: ***onjava/2003/03/05/lucene.html#**
>> indexing_speed*<*>
>> Solr wiki:
>> Considerationsstates<>
>> that FD's required per segment is around 7.
>> Are these estimates appropriate. Does it in anyway depend on the size of
>> the
>> index&  number of docs (assuming same number of segments in any case) as
>> well?
> My index has 10 files per normal  segment (the usual 7 plus three more for
> termvectors).  Some of the segments also have a ".del" file, and there is a
> segments_* file and a segments.gen file.  Your servlet container and other
> parts of the OS will also have to open files.
> I have personally seen three levels of segment merging taking place at the
> same time on a slow filesystem during a full-import, along with new content
> coming in at the same time.  With a mergefactor of 10, each merge is 11
> segments - the ten that are being merged and the merged segment.  If you
> have three going on at the same time, that's 33 segments, and you can have
> up to 10 more that are actively being built by ongoing index activity, so
> that's 43 potential segments.  If your filesystem is REALLY slow, you might
> end up with even more segments as existing merges are paused for new ones to
> start, but if you run into that, you'll want to udpate your hardware, so I
> won't consider it.
> Multiplying 43 segments by 11 files per segment yields a working
> theoretical maximum of 473 files.  Add in the segments files, you're up to
> 475.
> Most operating systems have a default FD limit that's at least 1024.  If
> you only have one index (core) on your Solr server, Solr is the only thing
> running on that server, and it's using the default mergeFactor of 10, you
> should be fine with the default.  If you are going to have more than one
> index on your Solr server (such as a build core and a live core), you plan
> to run other things on the server, or you want to increase your mergeFactor
> significantly, you might need to adjust the OS configuration to allow more
> file descriptors.
> Thanks,
> Shawn


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