Hi Robert,

take a look to

So will
sort=date+desc&q={!frange l=0.85}query($qq)
qq=<the original relevancy query>

Best regards

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Thu, 27 Oct 2011 12:30:31 +0100
> Von: Robert Brown <r...@intelcompute.com>
> An: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
> Betreff: Limit by score? sort by other field

> When we display search results to our users we include a percentage 
> score.
> Top result being 100%, then all others normalised based on the 
> maxScore, calculated outside of Solr.
> We now want to limit returned docs with a percentage score higher than 
> say, 50%.
> e.g. We want to search but only return docs scoring above 80%, but 
> want to sort by date, hence not being able to just sort by score.

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