: Caused by: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Error loading class 
: With the jetty and the provided example, I have no problem. It all happens 
when I use tomcat and solr.
: My setup is as follows: 
: I downloaded the apache-solr-3.3.0 and unpacked it....I am using 
: "apache-solr-3.3.0" folder as my solr-home folder. Inside the "dist" 
: folder I have the apache-solr-3.3.0.war and coppied everything from the 
: contrib/extraction/lib into dist.

just copying jars into "dist" isn't going to make things magically work 
for you -- what matters is that your solr instance knows how to find those 
plugin jars.  when you use the example jetty instance, the solrconfig.xml 
file has <lib> directives with relative paths that indicate where to find 
them.  If you use a differnet "solr home" dir and/or move files arround 
then those <lib> directives are no longer going to work...



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