Right, not sure how to ask this question, what the terminology, but
hopefully my explaination will help...

We are chucking data into solr for queries. i cant mention the exact data,
but the closest thing i can think of is as follows:

   - Unique ID for the solr record (DB ID in this case)
   - A not so unique ID (say an ISBN number)
   - the name of the book (multiple names for this, each have a ISBN and a
   unique DB ID)
   - A Status of the book (books arent the correct term, but, say, a book
   has 4 editions but keeps the ISBN, we would have 4 names in Solr, each
   queryable. So, searching for the first edition title will return the
   correct ISBN).

Anyway, what i want to be able to do is search for a single title (say Solr
or Dummies) and find all instances of that title in index. but for each
name, i want to be able to link the status of each title with each one.
there are other "statuses" for each item also...

Anyway, i had 2 ways of doing this:

   - the first way was using multi values, storing the names in a multi
   value list and also the statuses, but the linking dont seem to be working
   - the second way is storing each record uniqley, but with this i would
   need to run a second query to get all records for the ISBN...

Any ideas which one i should be using? any tips on this?


Tiernan O'Toole

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