Hi Eugene,

I proposed a solution for something similar, maybe it will help you.



On Sat, 2011-11-05 at 16:43 -0400, Eugene Strokin wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a task which seems trivial, but I couldn't find any related
> information from Solr documentation.
> So I'm asking the community for an advice.
> I have relatively big amount (about 25 Millions) of documents which are
> describing products.
> Those products could be rated by humans and/or machines.
> The rating is nothing more but just "Like" kind of points. So if someone or
> something likes a product it adds +1 to the total points of the product.
> I was thinking I could just have an integer field in the document, and
> increment it each time when Like event is fired, and just sort  this field.
> But, because Like event could come from external systems, I could
> get literally thousands of such events in first few hours. And I'm not
> sure that updating the document that often would be good.
> This is the first question - May be there is another way to do such dynamic
> rating? So more "Liked" products will be first in a search result.
> The second problem, that the client is asking to have time based search
> results. For example those "Likes" should not boost the document if they
> are a week old, a month old, etc. Ideally, they want to set the expiration
> time dynamically, but if this is a problem, it is acceptable to have some
> predefined time of expiration of those "Likes", but still we are going to
> need at least a week and a month thresholds.
> Second question, if this is possible at all to do using Solr, if so, how?
> If not, what could you suggest?
> Thanks in advance,
> any advice, information, anything are greatly appreciated.
> Eugene S.

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