: But when feeding in a PDF I'm getting a permissions error but not sure : how to tell where, exactly, the problem is or what I need to do to fix : it?!?
Interesting. The problem is coming from the "PDFBox" library used to parse PDF files on your Solr server, but the origin of hte issue seems to be something related to how java is configured on the machine where you are running Solr. PDFBox is attempting to call the method "java.awt.Color.clint" which is attempting to load a native library which should be part of your java install -- but some sort of permission error is preventing it from working. Googling for "Can't connect to window server - not enough permissions" suggests that you should run java with the "java.awt.headless=true" system property to deal with this problem (but i have no experience with this) If you still have problems, i would suggest narrowing your research to the the PDFBox mailing list -- people are more likely to have encountered / discussed it there. : : $ curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/update/extract?literal.id=doc2&commit=true" -F "myfile=@features.pdf" : Error 500 Can't connect to window server - not enough permissions. : java.lang.InternalError: Can't connect to window server - not enough permissions. : at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method) -Hoss